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Key Cyber Security Questions to Ask your IT Provider

How do you protect your data? What would you do if your organisation was under attack? How long until all systems are up again? 

These are all crucial questions that you should know the answers to. In fact, these answers will paint a clear picture of your strategy, so it’s best to nail those key cyber security questions before you settle on an IT provider.  

What Cyber Security services should an IT provider offer?

Your Security as a Service provider, or SECaaS for short, should offer a comprehensive range of cybersecurity services. Here are just a few: 

  • Penetration testing: authorised and simulated cyber attacks on a computer’s system or network. 
  • Firewall management: monitoring firewalls and setting rules or policies to ensure safety.  
  • Vulnerability assessments: evaluating and prioritising the vulnerabilities in your system. 
  • Endpoint protection: identifying and safeguarding endpoints, such as laptops, smartphones, and other devices.  
  • Threat intelligence: analysing data to understand a hacker’s motives, behaviours, and goals.  
  • Incident response: processes and technologies used to respond to cyberattacks or breaches. 


Cyber Security FAQ for your IT company

Asking the right kind of cyber security questions for IT department can highly influence your decision-making process. To ensure you cover the cyber security basics, we recommend you ask the following: 

Q. What cybersecurity strategies are right for my business?

There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach when it comes to cyber security services. On the contrary, your strategy should feel bespoke to the needs of your organisation. Ideally, your IT provider will conduct a vulnerability assessment and identify the unique needs, risk profile, and operational environment of your organisation. Most IT providers will follow a similar framework: evaluating risk assessment, ensuring goal alignment, facilitating compliance, and implementing proactive security measures. 

Q. How often will you perform IT security audits? 

The frequency of your IT security audits will depend on the size and complexity of your organisation, as well as the pace of the evolving threat landscape. Once or twice a year is a reasonable starting point. Other times to schedule IT security audits are after major events such as the implementation of a new data system or post-data breach. 

Q. Where will my data be stored and protected?

Choosing a place to store and protect your data involves careful consideration. More specifically, you’ll need to think of factors such as security, compliance requirements, and accessibility. For example, cloud storage typically provides greater scalability and flexibility; however, it also fosters a greater reliance on third-party providers and may increase your vulnerability. 

Q. How and who does risk assessment?

Your IT service provider should have several risk assessment professionals on their team. These individuals are in charge of defining security objectives, identifying assets, monitoring threats, calculating risks, documenting their findings, and implementing new controls or enhancing existing ones. 

Q. Is there any training to offer our business?

Sophisticated security is only as strong as your team’s awareness; without employee training, cyber attacks can penetrate even the most advanced measures. Implement a culture of cyber security awareness and reduce the risk of data breaches by training your employees. Your IT provider should offer activities like simulated phishing exercises, awareness campaigns, and security awareness workshops. 

Q. What happens if a threat is detected, or data is compromised?

In the event of a serious threat or data breach, coordination and urgency is of the essence. Your IT provider should detect the issue, understand the extent of the threats, and isolate the affected systems. Once relevant stakeholders and authorities are notified, your IT team should begin implementing remediation measures. The faster they can mitigate the impact of security incidents, the better they can protect the organisation’s reputation.  

Q. How does your team keep on top of trends and new threats?

Just as new cyber threats are constantly emerging, so are the innovative solutions employed by SECaaS teams. If you want to outpace evolving risks, you’ll need to find a provider who demonstrates these qualities. The best way to find out is by asking relevant cyber security questions. You can inquire about their certification programs, industry involvement, research initiatives, and continuous monitoring capabilities. 


Based on the answers to your cyber security FAQ, you can determine whether they are the right IT provider for your organisation.